FOX SEAL chest dressing
Foxsea Vented is a unique 360° Hyper-Vent system. The first chest dressing with 512 vents facilitating pressure release and prevent blockages.
- Quick application in any orientation.
- 512 ventilation channels
- Effective ventilation performance even if wrinkled.
- Works on uneven or curved surfaces, under clothing or body armor
- Solid adhesion tested in extreme conditions
- Seals in full shape
- Allows for life-saving, rapid decompression without the need to replace the dressing.
Wound Packing Simulator MCH33
Training simulator for hemorrhage control with a stabbing wound. Improve pre-hospital care training with practical hemorrhage control instructions for wound packing. This simulator is particularly suitable for Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) and civilian (Stop The Bleed) training.
- Waterproof padded carrying case.
- 1 pack of 31g non-coagulant blood powder.
- Venoclysis equipment.
Burntec for burns
BurnTec Hydrogel is a unique hydrogel dressing consisting of water and natural and synthetic polymers, thanks to which they maintain an environment suitable for soothing and healing burns, bruises and swelling. In addition, BurnTec dressings are reinforced with non-woven fabric, which ensures safety of use and eliminates the possibility of hydrogel leakage. The hydrogel of the sheet perfectly covers the wound, blocks contamination and has a soothing and refreshing effect on the burn. Measures 20x20cm.
Férula SAM Splint Plana
Inmovilización de lesiones óseas y tejidos blandos. Elogiada por Servicios de Emergencias y deportistas en todo el mundo (incluso en los transbordadores de la NASA), SAM® Splint es la férula de referencia en inmovilización. Ha sido utilizada en zonas montañosas, de combate, en el espacio e incluso en las profundidades del océano, en todos los terrenos posibles y condiciones meteorológicas adversas.
- Ligera y compacta.
- Con un sólo formato, inmovilización de extremidades superiores, inferiores y collarín cervical.
- Reutilizable.
- Se coloca con rapidez fijándola con cualquier venda.
- Radiotransparente. Permite la realización de técnicas radiográficas sin la necesidad de retirarla.
- No le afectan las temperaturas o altitudes extremas.
- Superficie impermeable de espuma de célula cerrada. Pueden ser higienizadas.
- Tamaño desplegada: 11x91 cm.
Férula SAM Splint Rollo
La férula de inmovilización en rollo "SAM SPLINT" es un dispositivo médico utilizado para inmovilizar fracturas, esguinces y lesiones en extremidades. Está fabricada con un material flexible y resistente que permite adaptarse a la forma del cuerpo y proporcionar soporte y estabilidad a la zona afectada.
Con una flexibilidad incomparable, SAM® Splint se moldea de formá rápida y precisa con una simple curva, volviéndose exponencialmente más fuerte y resistente. SAM® Splint es utilizada, a nivel mundial por profesionales de Urgencias y Emergencias, entusiastas de las actividades al aire libre, Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado, incluso la NASA la incluye en su equipación.
Lower Extremities Hemorrhage Control Simulator MCH77
Training simulator for lower extremity hemorrhage control with realistic wound and bleeding simulation. Enhance pre-hospital care training with practical hemorrhage control instructions, including wound packing and tourniquet application. This simulator is especially suitable for Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) and civilian (Stop The Bleed) training.
- Two active bleeding points using venoclysis equipment.
- 2 gunshot wound entry points.
- Simulated arterial hemorrhage in limb amputation.
- Instructor-controlled bleeding: each wound's bleeding is controlled via a manual blood pumping system that simulates pulsatile bleeding.
- Proper tourniquet application stops the bleeding, adding realism to hemorrhage control; without it, the bleeding does not stop.
- 2 packs of 31g non-coagulant blood powder.
- Venoclysis equipment.
Watergel para quemaduras
WaterJel es líder mundial en el tratamiento pre-hospitalario de quemaduras. Indispensable en botiquines de primeros auxilios en la industria. hogar y ocio.
WaterJel es un producto para el tratamiento urgente de quemaduras, rápido y fácil de aplicar. Alivia el dolor de forma rápida y efectiva, ayuda a prevenir infecciones y estabiliza la temperatura de la piel para evitar daños mayores. Medidas 10x10cm
Choose your IFAK and customize it to your liking
Customizable backpack with product combination. Choose the type of backpack and customize it by adding the products you like most. Create a Basic (for beginners with knowledge), Intermediate (for experienced people) or Advanced (for the more demanding).
Apply the discount coupon when you complete your order. The higher the price of your combination, the higher the discount coupon. These are the coupons you can use.
- DISCOUNT 7. 7% discount for purchases over 120 euros.
- DISCOUNT 10. 10% discount for purchases over 150 euros.
- DISCOUNT 15. 15% discount for purchases over 200 euros.
Full Body / Torso / Lower Extremities Trauma Trainer
The TacMed Simulation Lifecast empowers lifesaving tasks such as patient airway management, needle decompression, chest tube insertion, cricothyroidotomy, intraosseous infusion, and control of exsanguinating hemorrhage.
The TACMED full-body simulator is a durable and realistic trauma trainer designed for severe trauma care. Specifically crafted for field exercises and use in any climate or environment, it offers realistic leg movement and arterial bleeding, providing ultra-high fidelity training for a truly immersive learning experience. It also incorporates pulses, breathing, and real-time feedback via our long-range remote control.
With this simulator, students can use techniques such as hand, knee, and elbow pressure to occlude bleeding. They can physically locate radial and carotid pulses, assess breathing patterns, and use this information to make the proper interventions. The system also includes training for interventions such as patient airway management, needle decompression, identifying tension pneumothorax, bilateral chest tube insertion, cricothyroidotomy, and intraosseous infusion (I/O).
The most versatile aspect of this simulator is that you can combine anatomical parts of the body, from just the torso or lower extremities to full body. Ultimately, this is the most complete and reliable simulator on the market, brought to you by TACMED Solutions.
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Head Mannequin for Intubation
The Life/form® Adult Airway Management Simulator mimics an un-anesthetized patient for practicing intubation, ventilation, and suction techniques.
"Airway Larry" represents an adult with more space for maneuvering, making it an excellent trainer for both beginner and advanced students. It features realistic anatomical characteristics and landmarks, such as: teeth, tongue, oral and nasal pharynx, larynx, epiglottis, arytenoids, false and true vocal cords, trachea, bifurcated lungs (in one durable piece), esophagus, and stomach.
Allows practice and management of:
- Oral, digital, and nasal intubation, endotracheal, esophageal obturator, pharyngeal-tracheal, laryngeal mask, and esophagogastric.
- Combitube® insertion.
- Suction techniques and cuff inflation.
- Sellick maneuver: Applying pressure to the cricoid cartilage to change the position of the trachea, closing the esophagus.
- Jaw thrust technique.
- Can be used with the CRiSis™ CPARLENE® Nasco mannequin.
First aid kit for road accidents. Ideal to place in the trunk or cabin.
Portable backpack with velcro front (for patch). Color black, red or orange. Ideal to include accessories first aid kit. Light and easy to open. Dimensions: 21 x 19 x 10 cm.
At the rear it has velcro for attachment to any part of the trunk, as well as a wide belt with buckle to attach to front seat headrest.
- Turnstile CAT GEN7
- Chitogauze XR PRO Hemostatic Agent
- Scissors cut clothes
- Israeli bandage of 10cm
- 2 crepe bandages of 4m x 10cm
- 2 packs of sterile gauze
- Thermal blanket
- Flat Splint SAM Splint
- NECKLITE folding cervical collar
- Nitrile gloves
- Eye patch
- Triangular bandage for sling
- Permanent black marker
- Identifying patch
- Card Triage
Hyper-realistic Suture PAD
The suture simulator is designed for both basic and advanced training in skin closure skills. Our Suture PAD allows for performing various types of basic and advanced sutures in a realistic manner. It is made up of 3 layers, simulating: skin, subcutaneous tissue, fascia, and muscle, providing enhanced tactile, visual, and palpation realism.
The PAD is 100% silicone, offering a realistic sensation of epidermis, subcutaneous tissue, and muscle layers.
- Textured surface to maintain a realistic skin feel.
- Allows for over 200 sutures per incision.
- Enables suturing in any layer: intramuscular, subcutaneous, and intradermal.
- Practice making knots.
- Students can make their own incisions, determine the wound depth, and apply the proper suturing technique.
First Aid Kit.
Portable backpack with velcro front and MOLLE type back fastening. Opening with zipper. Black color. Ideal to include supplements of first aid kit. Light and easy to open to carry in girdle. Dimensions: 19 x 10 x 6 cm.
- Turnstile CAT GEN7
- Chitogauze XR PRO Hemostatic Agent
- Scissors cut clothes
- Israeli bandage of 10cm
- Crepe bandage of 4m x 10cm
- Thermal blanket
- Nitrile gloves
- Permanent black marker
- Identifying patch
Canine Simulator K9
The Advanced Canine Medical Trainer (K9 Diesel) is a full-body simulator designed for operational canine paramedics, military working dog handlers (MWD), veterinarians, and veterinary technicians.
Developed in partnership with the Department of Defense (DoD), K9 Diesel is a state-of-the-art training tool that simulates active breathing, audio tails, and over 28 different medical intervention sites. Each training site is designed to replicate the appearance, feel, and function of real medical procedures. Interchangeable limbs and injuries provide added flexibility to vary injury patterns. K9 Diesel allows students to perform a wide range of critical, life-saving tasks with an incredibly realistic experience.
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First Aid Kit for mountaineering.
Portable backpack with velcro front (for patch). Orange color. Ideal to include accessories first aid kit. Light and easy opening. Dimensions: 21 x 19 x 10 cm. Ideal for mountaineering. Includes:
- Turnstile CAT GEN7
- Scissors cut clothes
- Israeli bandage of 10cm
- 2 crepe bandages of 4m x 10cm
- 2 packs of sterile gauze
- Thermal blanket
- Flat Splint SAM Splint
- Hammer breaks glass
- Nitrile gloves
- Stainless steel folding knife
- Emergency whistle
- LED flashlight with dynamo
- Kit of 20 waterproof matches
- Chemical light bar
- Triangular bandage for sling
- Permanent black marker
- Identifying patch
Military First Response Kit.
The IFAK features a quick-extraction interior bag and an external tourniquet holder. Waterproof. Velcro closure. Multicam color. Ideal for including additional first aid kit items.
Dimensions: 25cm x 10cm
- CAT GEN7 Tourniquet
- Chitogauze XR PRO Hemostatic Agent
- Clothing Scissors
- H&H Hemostatic Gauze
- Eye Shield
- Nasopharyngeal Cannula 28FR
- 15cm Israeli Bandage
- 4m x 10cm Crepe Bandage
- Thermal Blanket
- Nitrile Gloves
- Black Permanent Marker
- Tpak Decompression Needle
- Hyfin Chest Seal
Portable backpack for K9. Support type MOLLE back. Opening with zipper. Black color. Ideal to include accessories first aid kit. Dimensions: 19 x 10 x 6 cm.
- Tourniquet SOFT K9
- Scissors cut clothes
- Israeli bandage of 10cm
- Crepe bandage of 4m x 10cm
- Thermal blanket
- Nitrile gloves
- Permanent black marker
- Identifying patch
Wound Kit 3k
Offer more realism to the Trauma with this High Fidelity wound kit, being able to characterize more than 30 different victims.
Kit includes 21 wounds (evisceration, laceration, avulsion...), one hand amputation with stump, 2 amputated fingers, 6 penetrating chest wounds, minor wounds, 2 simulators to canalize veins (with spare skins and veins), 10 sachets of simulated blood powder (5 with coagulant and 5 without coagulant) for more than 30 litres, carrying case, organizer boxes, 1 latex canister, 3 micropore adhesive tapes and instructions for use.
Evisceration Wound Simulator
The attachable abdominal wound simulator features a "belt" design with movable intestines and a bleeding set. This realistic simulator is ideal for teaching proper techniques for treating abdominal wounds with evisceration.
- Contents: Attachable wound, squeezable bottle, silicone tube, plastic connector, and a plastic clamp.
- Size: 50cm long x 1cm thick x 24cm high
- Weight: 1950 grams
SPORT Medical Kit
First Aid Kit for sporting events.
Waterproof padded case. Black color. Light and easy to carry. Dimensions: 27cm x 20cm x 10cm.
- Instant Ice Bag
- Scissors cut clothes
- 1 Crepe bandages of 4m x 10cm
- 2 packs of sterile gauze
- Thermal blanket
- Flat Splint SAM Splint
- Nitrile gloves
- Triangular bandage for sling
- Permanent black marker
- Identifying patch
- Pack of Guedel cannula
Amputated Hand
Achieve greater realism in trauma scenarios with our amputated hand simulator, including a stump. It offers high visual and tactile realism, with the option to simulate either total or partial amputation.
- Does not include simulated blood.
- Reusable for numerous scenarios.
- Easy to store, wash, and maintain.
First Aid Kit.
Portable backpack with front velcro and MOLLE type back fastening. Opening with velcro pull and zipper. Black color. Ideal to include supplements of first aid kit. Light and easy to open to carry in girdle. Dimensions: 19 x 16 x 7 cm.
- Turnstile CAT GEN7
- Chitogauze XR PRO Hemostatic Agent
- Scissors cut clothes
- Israeli bandage of 10cm
- Needle Decompression 14G
- Nasopharyngeal cannula 28FR
- Thoracic H-Vent patch
- Crepe bandage of 4m x 10cm
- Thermal blanket
- Nitrile gloves
- Permanent black marker
- Identifying patch
Avulsion Wound Simulator
The portable avulsion wound simulation device is an innovative tool specifically designed to replicate avulsion injuries. Its primary goal is to teach students the proper techniques for treating and healing avulsion wounds.
The portable design of the avulsion wound simulator allows for direct interaction with the simulated wound, providing a practical and immersive learning experience.
Our new holding system helps users adjust the simulator firmly and comfortably to the body.
In summary, the portable avulsion wound device is an exceptional training tool that offers a high level of realism and ease of use. With its design specifically for avulsion wounds and two fastening options, it provides a comprehensive training experience for individuals looking to improve their skills in treating and healing avulsion wounds.
- Contents: Attachable wound, squeezable bottle, silicone tube, plastic connector, and a plastic clamp.
- Size: 28cm long x 0.5cm thick x 14cm wide
- Weight: 386 grams
First Response Kit for canyoning.
Portable backpack with front velcro (for patch). Colour black, red or orange. Ideal to include first aid kit complements. Lightweight and easy to open. Dimensions: 21 x 19 x 10 cm.
It has Velcro on the back, as well as a wide strap with buckle.
- CAT GEN7 Tourniquet
- Haemostatic Agent Chitogauze XR PRO
- Clothes Cutter Scissors
- 10cm Israeli Bandage
- Thermal Blanket
- Flat Splint SAM Splint
- Nitrile Gloves
- Triangular Bandage for Sling
- Black Permanent Marker Pen
FX Femur Wound Simulator
The portable wound simulation device is an innovative tool specifically designed to replicate high-realism injuries. Its primary goal is to teach students the correct techniques for treating and healing bleeding wounds. It offers a comprehensive training experience for individuals looking to enhance their skills in wound treatment and care.
The portable design of the simulator allows for direct interaction with the simulated wound, providing a practical and immersive learning experience.
The holding system helps users adjust the simulator firmly and comfortably to the body.
- Contents: Attachable wound, squeezable bottle, silicone tube, plastic connector, and a plastic clamp.
- Size: 45cm long x 0.5cm thick x 28cm wide
- Weight: 950 grams
Mochila portátil con velcro delantero (para parche). Color negro. Ideal para incluir complementos de botiquín. Ligera y de fácil apertura para llevar en el cinturón.
- Dimensiones: 19 x 10 x 6 cm.
- Cierre: cremallera y velcro.
- Función: Ideal para Servicios de Emergencia como: TES, Enfermería, Bomberos, Policías, Vigilantes de Seguridad o incluso en otros ámbitos como senderismo, camping, caza…
APOLO Portable Backpack
A lightweight and easy-to-open portable backpack, perfect for storing first aid supplies. Features front and rear Velcro panels for patches.
✔ Available in black, red, or orange
✔ Compact and practical design for vehicle first aid kits, businesses, mountaineering, and more
✔ Easy-access closure system with zipper and buckle
- Dimensions: 21 x 19 x 10 cm
- Closure: Zipper and buckle
- Ideal for emergency and outdoor use
Laceration Wound Simulator
The portable wound simulation device is an innovative tool specifically designed to replicate high-realism injuries. Its primary goal is to teach students the proper techniques for treating and healing bleeding wounds. It provides a comprehensive training experience for individuals looking to improve their skills in wound treatment and care.
The portable design of the simulator allows for direct interaction with the simulated wound, offering a practical and immersive learning experience.
The holding system helps users adjust the simulator firmly and comfortably to the body.
- Contents: Attachable wound, squeezable bottle, silicone tube, plastic connector, and a plastic clamp.
- Size: 24cm long x 0.5cm thick x 27cm wide
- Weight: 350 grams
FX Humerus Wound Simulator
The portable wound simulation device is an innovative tool specifically designed to replicate high-realism injuries. Its primary goal is to teach students the correct techniques for treating and healing bleeding wounds. It provides a comprehensive training experience for individuals looking to enhance their skills in wound treatment and care.
The portable design of the simulator allows for direct interaction with the simulated wound, offering a practical and immersive learning experience.
The holding system helps users adjust the simulator firmly and comfortably to the body.
- Contents: Attachable wound, squeezable bottle, silicone tube, plastic connector, and a plastic clamp.
- Size: 24cm long x 0.5cm thick x 27cm wide
- Weight: 350 grams
Mochila portátil con velcro delantero (para parche). Color negro. Ideal para incluir complementos de botiquín. Ligera y de fácil apertura para llevar en el cinturón.
Dimensiones: 20 x 13 x 7,5 cm.
Cierre: Cremallera.
Función: Ideal para Servicios de Emergencia como: TES, Enfermería, Bomberos, Policías, Vigilantes de Seguridad o incluso en otros ámbitos como senderismo, camping, caza…
- Sujeción trasera tipo MOLLE