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Full Body / Torso / Lower Extremities Trauma Trainer

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The TacMed Simulation Lifecast empowers lifesaving tasks such as patient airway management, needle decompression, chest tube insertion, cricothyroidotomy, intraosseous infusion, and control of exsanguinating hemorrhage. The TACMED full-body simulator is a durable and realistic trauma trainer designed for severe trauma care. Specifically crafted for field exercises and use in any climate or environment, it offers realistic leg movement and arterial bleeding, providing ultra-high fidelity training for a truly immersive learning experience. It also incorporates pulses, breathing, and real-time feedback via our long-range remote control. With this simulator, students can use techniques such as hand, knee, and elbow pressure to occlude bleeding. They can physically locate radial and carotid pulses, assess breathing patterns, and use this information to make the proper interventions. The system also includes training for interventions such as patient airway management, needle decompression, identifying tension pneumothorax, bilateral chest tube insertion, cricothyroidotomy, and intraosseous infusion (I/O). The most versatile aspect of this simulator is that you can combine anatomical parts of the body, from just the torso or lower extremities to full body. Ultimately, this is the most complete and reliable simulator on the market, brought to you by TACMED Solutions. Request a Quote

Canine Simulator K9

Very Soon
The Advanced Canine Medical Trainer (K9 Diesel) is a full-body simulator designed for operational canine paramedics, military working dog handlers (MWD), veterinarians, and veterinary technicians. Developed in partnership with the Department of Defense (DoD), K9 Diesel is a state-of-the-art training tool that simulates active breathing, audio tails, and over 28 different medical intervention sites. Each training site is designed to replicate the appearance, feel, and function of real medical procedures. Interchangeable limbs and injuries provide added flexibility to vary injury patterns. K9 Diesel allows students to perform a wide range of critical, life-saving tasks with an incredibly realistic experience.   Request a Quote